Perfect is Nothing 


Perfectly Imperfect!

How many times did you secretly wish that your life was 'Perfect?' Let me ask you a question! Are you really a total Mr.Perfect or Ms. Perfect in your life? Are you the only one who feels like everything needs to be perfect in their life?

The answer is No! Almost everyone in this world wants Perfect things in their lives.To master the art of perfection totally is almost impossible.And it is absolutely fine not to be perfect. There is no need to feel bad about it. Everyone craves for perfect situations, perfect things, perfect life partner and many more, the list never ends! Here is my funny take on how everything we wish, need not be perfect!
These are some of the nothing is so perfect situations in our life:
1. Picture perfect
Family in good Times
One example of not so Picture Perfect are those old family photographs which were taken together. There can never be 'Picture Perfect' moment. There has to be atleast one member either closing or keeping their eyes wide open, smiling or either frowning or finger picking their nose! The end result would be an Imperfect picture for your generations to see and ask you “Oh Wait!! Is this person picking his nose, You??👃
2. Perfect Fit

The wanna be Perfect fit
The Perfect fit category mostly relates to all women. A slim women wants too have decent sized fit and a chubby women wants to have a slim fit. But most of the times they never find a perfect fit. There is nothing like a perfect fit, it either fits you or it has to get fitted to you. 😉
3. Perfect Pitch
Sing Opera! La La La!🥂
Do you know that even the voice you have is not perfect?? You need to sing at a perfect pitch or a tone to sound like a perfect singer. Some singers are well trained. But some get over trained to either break their neighbors bulbs or glasses with their not so perfect pitches.However, the cost of repairing those glasses is sure to add up to a perfect bill on your budget. 🤑
4. Perfect Match
The life of Perfect Couples!
This is for all the lovely 'Fight and Unite' couples. Any couple who looks at the other always feel Oh, they are perfect for each other! But that is sometimes far from reality. The grass always looks greener on the other side! A Perfect Match may be 'Made in Heaven' but sometimes, they do turn into hell, here on Earth! 👼💑
5. Perfect Hair  
Perfect Hair for wrong people

Not everyone has a perfect hair day everyday. This one relates to most of the ladies and sometimes men too. Most women envy the other woman's hair. They secretly wonder how is it possible to have that Perfect hair!No matter how much you try to set that one stubborn strand of your hair in place, it will still pop out in front of the correct person, correct time and correct situation.💇

6. Perfect Food 
The Perfect Taste 
Okay, this one is for the most of the husband's to relate! Have you been in a situation, where you are served not so tasty food and your wife comes up to you with a nice smile and pops your favorite question, "Nice? Do you like it? How is it?" And you are forced to say nothing but"Perfect 😃!' P.S. Even I do that! 😄 So, sometimes you gotta accept that even the food you eat need not be perfect!
7. Perfect Day
What a Perfect Day !
You wake up from your sleepy bed, hoping to have a Perfect day, but in reality, you could either have a great or a not so Perfect one. Now that depends on you and others around you of course, who contribute in making or breaking your day.😠🙋
This list of Perfect Is Nothing will never end. It is up to us to accept that it is fine not to be obsessed with the word Perfect. Enjoy your strengths and Imperfections with a sip of coffee and with a Perfect smile on your face. 
Hope you enjoyed my take. Do share your Perfect is Nothing experiences with your comments...


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